The IYKYK Logo

The IYKYK Logo

One of the things that we try to capture with our designs is that "If you know, you know" regardless of who you're talking to or what you're referencing. It is our desire to give everyone the chance to "be in" on something so there's something you should know to get the inside scoop about our logo.

Well, our logo isn't just a logo; it's a playful nod to the magic of movies and the joy of shared cinema experiences. You see, our company isn't about just any movie lines; we're all about celebrating the iconic and subtly brilliant ones that make you smile and cause a connection with both friend and stranger.

Take a look at our logo, and you'll notice it's more than just a rectangle; it's like a mini movie screen, setting the stage for cinematic fun. But here's the twist – it's not just any screen; it's designed to mimic the standard format 2.35:1, also known as CinemaScope or "Widescreen." It's our way of giving a thumbs-up to the classic 35mm format of movie production, connecting us to the glorious history of filmmaking.

But that's not all... Right there in the lower right corner, we've added a quirky notch. It's not just any notch; it's our playful tribute to the good ol' days of buying ticket stubs and diving into a world of storytelling. But wait, there's more! The layout of our designs also cheekily resembles subtitles.

So, whenever you catch a glimpse of our logo, think of it as a cinematic invitation to join us on a journey filled with laughter, nostalgia, and movie lines that make your heart dance.  With IYKYK, we're all about celebrating the fun side of cinema – where every detail, from our logo to the lines, is designed to put a grin on your face and keep you in the playful spirit of movies, tv, culture and more!

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